Sunday, August 24, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Why I Can't Wait For School To Start

Okay, I'm bored out of my mind so I give you this!
Top 10 Reasons Why I Can't Wait Til School Starts
10) I hear that my English teacher is really nice.
8) Jazz Band.
7) Junior Vocal Group
6) Musical
5) Math homework
4) English homework
3) I like school!
2) I get the good choir teacher this year.
1) HOMEWORK!!!! :)
Okay, you likely think I'm insane because I want to do homework, but I really really really really miss homework. I have no life, so I live for homework and school. I mean, what ELSE am I gonna do? Also, I have a nice busy life during the school year, and I HATE IT during the summer because I have NOTHING to do...this leads me to color code 10 copies of my schedule which I don't really need...and then go on the color code my brother's schedules for him. SEE WHAT SUMMER VACATION IS DOING TO ME???? It is causing me extreme bordom that can ONLY be caused by having to go multiple days without homework...


Anonymous said...

I agree with all of those, except homework, Im not fond of homework

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with you???

Anonymous said...

I just like bigger projects, everyday homework gets old, fast.